Friday, December 5, 2008

I haven't blogged for awhile because things in our lives have been pretty crazy lately. We took a fast trip to California for Thanksgiving and to find a house. Yes, we are moving to the sunshine state. This is a little scary for me because it is a fast decision, but I am excited to get out of Utah. While we were on our trip I was able to go through Boulder City and see some old friends. I saw Becky and the girls, Ladonna, Dr Meeks, Debra and her daughter Jordan. It was great to see everyone and spend time catching up. California was fun. We stayed in Palm Springs while Joe worked. The boys and I just goofed around there and we had Thanksgiving dinner with some of Joe's family. We had a great dinner and a really fun time. This year I was thankful Wyatt didn't crack his head open while he was smashing walnuts with his forehead.....only Wyatt. We drove over to the area we want to move and looked at a couple of houses. I really like the area we are going and it made me more excited to get down there. I have heard from Casey and he is ok. He didn't really say what he was doing. Just asked me to send him somethings and let me know he was there and ok.

1 comment:

Becky aka tata! said...

Erik would have loved one this morning when I made him shovel the walkway!